Well OBVIOUSLY, after blogging about how the caesarean was due, I would go and go into labour beforehand wouldn't I? Luckily it worked out well - I was labouring for a long time, so another 24 hours+ experience like with my first cbild (Sophie.) But despite attempts to push Sophie out (including more than a little help from forceps) she remained stubbornly positioned and I had my first caesarean. Second time around (Imogen) and I didn't fancy going through all that again. Four years later (Rebecca Mary Standen Croasdale) I obviously had no memory of what it's like to struggle to get fully dilated to 10 cm even with the aid of gas & air, so had another go - and this time (ventouse and episiotomy notwithstanding) did get there without medical intervntion. And not an awful lot of pain relief. Ouch.
She's here, anyway, and she's beautiful, and after delivery she was home with us all 15 hours later which was fantastic (and the main reason I wanted to labour 'naturally' to be honest.) Her big sisters love her even though she has done little but feed and sleep. She appears to be adjusting well to my attempts to get her on a bit more of a routine. I am so thankful for the help of my husband in dealing with this when I already have 2 little girls who need entertaining! And Thank God for being amazingly blessed with our wonderful family.
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