Sunday, 30 January 2011

Daybooking* in the month of January

Wow, I haven't Daybooked for ages! Is it really January 2011? Am I no longer waking twice-nightly to feed an infant? Am I really getting out and about some evenings?

Outside my window:
I don't know; the curtains are closed. I'm trying not to face the day yet. I took part in a concert last night, then chatted to my husband, then had a broken few hours sleep with a teething baby and a wakeful 6 year old. Hence trying to immerse myself online and be in denial about the world outside my window!

That my whole body, to my eyes, feels absolutely hurt by tiredness, and that going to receive the Eucharist today may restore me spiritually, but I am not looking forward to shepherding the girls through everything at Church, which always drains me physically. I am already snappish and a little sad, and in desperate need of grace.

Thanksgiving: For music, its therapeutic powers, its bringing people together, and just the amazing sounds it makes that can reduce me to tears!

Kitchen goings-on: Not a great deal. Due to various delivery issues over the Christmas season, we cancelled the veg-box, and any cooking I'm doing is more related to the fact we have started baby Rebecca on solids. Last night was frozen pizza, and no one is cooking today either as we are off on an outing with the first picnic of 2011. I didn't get around to baking a cake for the concert last night, and I have promised my 6 year old a stem ginger cake but I don't know when it will materialise.

Reading: Thoroughly enjoying re-reading the Beezus and Ramona books with my 6 year old. I loved these when I was young. My Bible reading plan for the evening has gone to pot, but I am writing an assignment on the Sermon on the Mount, so reading some interesting New Testament study books in my 'spare' time.

The TV is telling the girls a story. I know that life will improve once I decide I have to throw myself into the day rather than sitting at the laptop, but I'm not ready to take that plunge just yet.

Wearing: Pyjamas and robe and big comfy slippers.

Around the house: Now I have two girls in school, and only the baby at home, I'm getting a bit more on top of the house, or the laundry, at least. It's only just ticking over though, really, but that just had to be good enough. Baby still naps in the kitchen in her buggy during the daytime, so the 2 hrs I have free at that point is rarely spent doing noisy kitchen jobs :-)

A Favourite Thing: Singing. Rehearsals for last night's concert only started at the beginning of January, but the fact that we were doing excerpts from Les Miserables did it for me. My friend played Schindler's List on her violin, another sang The Way You Look Tonight, and these were enough to get me emotional! So happy to be able to return to performing when the baby is so small. I love to sing!

*with thanks to Peggy.

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